High Cholesterol Graphic

High Cholesterol (Hyperlipidemia)

cardiogram High Cholesterol, Medical Conditions

High cholesterol is a common, but serious, issue. It arises when there’s an excess amount of a waxy substance called cholesterol in the blood. Around 38% of the U.S. adult population have high cholesterol1. And the development of it can lead to heart disease and stroke. But there are ways to both prevent and lower cholesterol! Before we get there, let’s …

Heart Failure 101

cardiogram Heart Conditions 101, Heart Failure

Heart failure describes the inability of the heart to pump blood into the major blood vessels. As a result, your organs will receive insufficient amounts of oxygen and nutrients, causing a whole range of complications. A Bit About Heart Failure According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 6.2 million Americans are living with heart failure.1 This condition …

Why is Exercise Important in Type II Diabetes Prevention & Management?

cardiogram Diabetes, Medical Conditions

We all know it’s important to get exercise. But putting this knowledge into practice may actually prevent and control type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).   The Importance of Physical Activity for T2DMPeople with T2DM who live a physically active lifestyle maintain better control over the disease and its complications. And maintaining a healthy body weight and an active lifestyle may even prevent …

Heart Conditions 101: Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

cardiogram Heart Conditions 101, Heart Health, Medical Conditions

Cardiomyopathy is a group of diseases in which the heart muscle has a hard time properly pumping blood. While these diseases can cause serious issues, there are treatment and prevention options for limiting its development, or avoiding it altogether. While cardiomyopathy can occur in any age group, 1 in every 500 adults has some form of it.What are cardiomyopathy symptoms? Symptoms of cardiomyopathy can …

Image of a smartphone, blood sugar monitor and insulin needle

How Does Diabetes Impact Coronary Heart Disease?

cardiogram Diabetes, Medical Conditions

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition that affects people of all ages. The main characteristic of this disease is having too much sugar (or glucose) in the blood. After we eat, food is usually broken down into glucose and enters the bloodstream. When blood sugar levels rise, the pancreas is meant to release insulin which allows the blood sugar to …

Smart Metrics: Now Available on Cardiogram

cardiogram Features

We’ve officially launched our newest feature, Smart Metrics, which is available for all Cardiogram members! With this feature, Cardiogram now interprets real-time trends in your metrics and offers personalized suggestions for heart healthy improvements. Smart Metrics messages will be updated continuously based on changes that Cardiogram notices in your data, offering real-time insight. By checking in consistently and following the …

Should Our DNA Determine What We Eat?

cardiogram CardioDNA, Heart Health

Science shows us that most chronic diseases and conditions can be influenced, and even improved, by making changes to our diets1. Your genetics influence your metabolic processes and can either lead to increased risks of certain health conditions or they can protect you from developing those conditions2. Of course, the question then arises, “So, which diet is the right diet?” …

Cardiac DNA Testing: A personalized approach to heart health

cardiogram CardioDNA, Heart Health

Cardiac DNA testing is a non-invasive way to look for genetic variations that may put you at risk for heart disease. This type of testing is growing in popularity, as it provides detailed genetic information that can help you know the steps to take in order to best support your heart.What is Cardiac DNA Testing, and what does it involve? Cardiac …

Migraine Project: We’ve Officially Launched

cardiogram Migraines, Research, Wearables

In our Covid survey, sent out earlier this year, 22% of respondents indicated they suffer from migraines. That’s a pretty profound statistic. Enough so that we decided to kick off a migraine project in hopes of ultimately alleviating some of the suffering for our members!  There are so many physiological processes that occur during the initial stages of a migraine …

Water Glass

POTS & Hydration: 3 Ways to Stay Hydrated

cardiogram POTS

BE  YOUR OWN BEST HEALTH ADVOCATEDOWNLOAD CARDIOGRAMAs many of those with POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) already know, one of the keys to managing this condition is to stay properly hydrated. (For general information on hydration and heart health, read our journal Does Hydration Impact Heart Health).  In this article, we’ll look at why hydration is so important for those …