Can I Prevent Heart Disease?

cardiogram Blood Pressure, Cardiogram, Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes, Dyslipidemia, Healthy Habits, Heart Attack, Heart Conditions 101, Heart Failure, Heart Health, Heart IQ, High Cholesterol, Hypertension, Recipes

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the broad term for a group of diseases that typically coexist within a person and are interrelated. Examples include: About 1 in 3 Americans has at least one type of CVD. Prevention is the best treatment because CVD kills more people than cancer, accidents, and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined. CVD risk factors are a mix …

It’s National Cholesterol Education Month

Kate Rahimzadeh Cardiogram, Dyslipidemia, Healthy Habits, Heart Conditions 101, Heart IQ, High Cholesterol

What is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a substance that is both made by the body and found in certain foods. Cholesterol is part of a structure called a lipoprotein which is made up of varying amounts of both lipids and protein. Cholesterol has a waxy consistency and is used by the body in hormone and cell production and the digestion of …

artist rendering of inside of a blood with fat cells floating

What is the Relationship Between Dyslipidemia and Coronary Artery Disease?

cardiogram Coronary Artery Disease, Dyslipidemia

Over the years, high cholesterol levels have become a source of public fear due to mainstream media narratives. However, there’s more to the story.  Doctors refer to an abnormal lipid panel as dyslipidemia. This is a disease that involves abnormal cholesterol levels and can . Diagnosis usually involves a simple blood draw and there are treatment and preventative protocols that …