How Your Heart Rate Can Show Signs of the Flu

cardiogram Flu, Heart Health

Cardiogram’s mission is to empower people to become more informed about their health data. Given the concerns about COVID-19 and increased awareness of ways to reduce the spread of flu-like infections, we want to share how and why heart rate monitoring — alongside standard methods — may be an additional tool to monitor your body’s response to an infection.

A front-row seat to your body’s fight against infection

Sleeping BPM, resting BPM (average heart rate while awake but without steps or activity), and sleep duration all tend to increase during illness. Here’s how Johnson’s weekly stats changed:


Your heart rate reflects inflammatory responses

Your heart rate reflects inflammatory responses


Cardiogram will also suggest a “?” tag when your heart rate is significantly elevated without steps or activity. Feel free to delete a “?” that you don’t think is relevant.


Existing heart problems can worsen flu complications

Moving forward