Cardiogram is proud to announce the release of its latest feature in the Migraine IQ module: Share-with-Doctor Report.

What is Migraine IQ's Share-with-Doctor Report?
Migraine IQ’s Share-with-Doctor report is a printable PDF document that you can email to yourself and share with your doctor and healthcare team at any time.
This feature allows you to choose any timeframe that your data has been captured by Migraine IQ, and to then have that data emailed to you as a PDF attachment. The data found within the document includes your logged migraine info as well as additional helpful metrics recorded by your smartwatch.
What's included in the Share-with-Doctor Report?
Your Share with Doctor report provides a history of your logged migraines with the date and how long they lasted, the head map showing location and pain level, medications taken, and any triggers you documented. Using the app to log your headaches gives you an accurate report of when you had a headache, how severe it was, and how long it lasted.
Your document will also show your reported stress levels, sleep duration, and sleep quality as a graph so your doctor can see if there are any trends with the onset of your headaches.
The metrics section of your report will also give an overview of your current level of activity measured by steps and exercise minutes. It has been shown that decreasing sedentary days by becoming more active can help reduce number of headaches.
What's the benefit of using the Share-with-Doctor Report?
While your doctor is typically only able to spend an average of 15 minutes with you during any given visit, your Migraine IQ app is consistently available to you, closely monitoring your data and providing valuable insights.
When your doctor receives your report, they’re able to gain a bigger picture of your migraines in a short amount of time, putting you both at a serious advantage. With access to information such as your migraine frequency, location, and possible triggers, you can have richer, better-informed conversations with your doctor and healthcare team, allowing them to create a more accurate treatment plan tailored to you and your particular needs.
How do I generate the Share-with-Doctor Report?
In order to generate your Share-with-Doctor Report, follow these 6 simple steps:
- Open your Migraine IQ module
- Click the ‘Report’ tab
- Click the ‘Share With Doctor’ button
- Choose the date range of data you’d like to share
- Confirm that the email your report will be sent to is correct
- Press the ‘Request’ button
Your report will then be sent directly to your email as a PDF attachment. From there, you can share this document with your doctor or healthcare provider, either via email or by printing and bringing it with you during your next visit.
Having Share-with-Doctor ultimately gives your doctor the data they need to make informed decisions regarding your care, and gives you greater control of your migraines and life at large.
A Bit About Migraine IQ

Migraine IQ is a valuable tool for migraineurs as it helps you understand what’s going on in your body when you experience a migraine episode.
Over time and with enough engagement with the app, Migraine IQ may be able to predict the likelihood of experiencing a migraine episode each day, allowing you to manage migraine pain and symptoms before an episode is ever in full swing.
If you or a loved one suffer from migraines and headaches, regain control with Migraine IQ and our new Risk Indexfeature. Start by trying our FREE 30-Day Migraine IQ Trial now!