In our Covid survey, sent out earlier this year, 22% of respondents indicated they suffer from migraines. That's a pretty profound statistic. Enough so that we decided to kick off a migraine project in hopes of ultimately alleviating some of the suffering for our members!
There are so many physiological processes that occur during the initial stages of a migraine that we believe can be detected with a wearable device. And early migraine detection is a huge key to preventing the (often disabling) symptoms that are associated with the later migraine stages. We also believe that with the right algorithm, a wearable has the potential to detect these subtle signals and alert the migraine sufferer, even before they would have noticed themselves, allowing that person to take proactive and preventative measures. And finally, we believe that with the help of our Cardiogram community, we can actualize that predictive algorithm.

If you suffer from migraines, we'd love your help in testing our hypotheses. And if we're successful, this will become a permanent Cardiogram feature that migraine sufferers (like you) can use to help prevent symptoms.
The very first step to participate in our study starts with completing this simple, four-question survey.

If you already have Cardiogram, you’ll notice a new feature in your app that allows you to capture when you feel like a potential migraine is coming on.
There are two simple steps to follow to log your migraines:
First, if you feel early symptoms of a migraine coming on, press the 'Log An Early Migraine' button. (You can always adjust the start time as pictured.)

Second, 24-hours after you've logged that potential migraine, you'll be prompted with a follow-up question asking whether or not a migraine actually developed and if you took any meds. And that's it! Simple.
To collect enough data for our data scientists to build an accurate migraine prediction algorithm, we ask you to continue logging your migraine experiences over the course of a few months.
Our Migraine Project Mission