Enjoy Life with a Healthy Mind-Avoid Dementia

Kate Rahimzadeh Blood Pressure, Cardiogram, Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes, Healthy Habits, Hypertension, Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Dementia is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, with symptoms ranging from memory loss to impaired thinking, affecting daily life. While age is the strongest risk factor for dementia, it is not an inevitable part of aging. Fortunately, research shows that lifestyle choices can significantly reduce the risk. Whether you’re in your 20s, 40s, or 60s, taking steps …

Keep a Current Medication List

Kate Rahimzadeh Cardiogram, Healthy Habits, Heart IQ

Maintaining an up-to-date medication list is crucial for managing your health effectively. Whether you take medications for chronic conditions, temporary ailments, or preventive care, having an accurate record of all your medications can significantly enhance your healthcare experience. This simple practice can prevent medication errors, improve communication with healthcare providers, and ensure you receive the most appropriate and effective treatments. …

What’s Your Stress Level? How Does it Impact Your Brain?

Kate Rahimzadeh Healthy Habits, Steps, Stress

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most extreme, how would you rate your stress level? What if I told you that stress is now considered a trigger for silent brain changes, which occur years before symptoms become obvious? Scores of well-designed studies routinely show that chronic stress can impair your ability to learn and adapt …

It’s National Cholesterol Education Month

Kate Rahimzadeh Cardiogram, Dyslipidemia, Healthy Habits, Heart Conditions 101, Heart IQ, High Cholesterol

What is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a substance that is both made by the body and found in certain foods. Cholesterol is part of a structure called a lipoprotein which is made up of varying amounts of both lipids and protein. Cholesterol has a waxy consistency and is used by the body in hormone and cell production and the digestion of …

How to Stay Healthy During Flu Season

Kate Rahimzadeh Cardiogram, Flu, Healthy Habits, Heart Health, Heart IQ

Flu season strikes every year, usually starting in the fall and lasting through spring. While some people treat it as an inevitable part of life, the flu is a serious illness that can lead to complications, especially for older adults, young children, and those with weakened immune systems. Fortunately, there are many ways you can protect yourself and stay healthy …

Meditation for Health

cardiogram Cardiogram, Healthy Habits, Heart Health, Stress

You have probably heard of meditation, although what meditation actually means can be unclear, as it means different things to different people. While there are many styles, techniques, and traditions, almost all meditation includes a practice of focusing or clearing the mind by quietly witnessing your thoughts and feelings and external stimuli without getting caught up in them. Meditation practices …

Move From Healthcare to Self Care!

cardiogram Cardiogram, Healthy Habits, Heart Health, Heart IQ, Movement, Sleep, Steps, Stress

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the broad term for a group of diseases that typically coexist and include: About 1 in 3 Americans has at least one type of CVD. Prevention is the best treatment because CVD kills more people than cancer, accidents, and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined. CVD risk factors are a mix of modifiable and non-modifiable influences. Modifiable …

Work Stress and Cardiovascular Disease

cardiogram Blood Pressure, Cardiogram, Coronary Artery Disease, Healthy Habits, Heart Health, Heart IQ, Hypertension, Medical Conditions, Stress

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death of American adults. Although much attention is given to the importance of diet, exercise, smoking cessation and the role of genetics, a lesser focus has been given to the role of stress reduction in the prevention and treatment of heart disease.   A large number of studies have demonstrated a clear link between …

Neon green sign reading Habits To Be Made

How to Form Healthy Habits that Actually Stick

cardiogram Healthy Habits

While many believe that habit forming is all about will-power, in actuality, it’s an art. There’s a lot that goes into it on the physical, mental, and emotional levels. And if you don’t know how to go about effectively creating a healthy habit, you’re left at a disadvantage (if not completely discouraged).  It’s been shown through research that about 50% …

Six Foods to Prioritize for Heart Health: A Global Perspective

cardiogram Healthy Habits, Heart Health

A groundbreaking 2023 study1 has made waves in the nutrition and health sector, drawing attention to six specific food groups that are connected to a reduced risk of heart disease and cardiovascular events. The findings come as a significant stride forward in understanding dietary patterns that might help combat the rise of heart-related health concerns on a global scale. Here’s …