Women’s Heart Health and Stress

cardiogram Blood Pressure, Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Health, Heart IQ, Hypertension, Stress

Many women’s daily lives are stretched to the limit by the multiple roles they fill at work, at home, and in the community. In many households, women still perform most childcare, shopping, cleaning, cooking, and, in some cases, care of elderly parents or in-laws. Some working women have incorporated a male standard for achievement in the workplace while retaining the …

checking blood pressure

Hydration & Blood Pressure: Does Maintaining Proper Hydration Help Lower Blood Pressure?

cardiogram Healthy Habits, Heart Health

As sunlight grows increasingly prevalent in our days, we know the hot summer months are fast approaching. Of course, with their arrival also comes the need to pay closer attention to our hydration habits. Afterall, proper hydration is crucial for overall health, and moreover, its impact on our heart health is especially significant. While water’s role in maintaining optimal body …